Meet Our Partner – Considerate Constructors

OEH Group is a property development umbrella company.

Considerate Constructors

When working with the OEH group it’s important to know who we are working with. We’re proud to introduce you to our partner Considerate Constructors.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) is a not-for-profit, independent organisation founded to raise standards in the construction industry.

The Scheme do incredible work both locally and nationally and their concern about the construction industry and the direct or indirect impact it has on a company’s image is something we stand by. The main areas of concern fall into three categories: the general public, the workforce and the environment.

We chose to work alongside CCS as the construction industry has a huge impact on all our lives. Their goal to present an image of competent management, efficiency, awareness of environmental issues and above all neighbourliness are beliefs we hold in high regards.

By monitoring registered construction sites, companies and suppliers the CCS are able to secure everyone’s safety within the workforce. The following 5 values outline the Scheme’s expectations and the areas they consider fundamental for registering with the Scheme;

Care about Appearance

Constructors should ensure sites appear professional and well managed

  • Ensuring that the external appearance of sites enhances the image of the industry.
  • Being organised, clean and tidy.
  • Enhancing the appearance of facilities, stored materials, vehicles and plant.
  • Raising the image of the workforce by their appearance.

Respect the Community

Constructors should give utmost consideration to their impact on neighbours and the public

  • Informing, respecting and showing courtesy to those affected by the work.
  • Minimising the impact of deliveries, parking and work on the public highway.
  • Contributing to and supporting the local community and economy.
  • Working to create a positive and enduring impression, and promoting the Code.


Protect the Environment

Constructors should protect and enhance the environment

  • Identifying, managing and promoting environmental issues.
  • Seeking sustainable solutions, and minimising waste, the carbon footprint and resources.
  • Minimising the impact of vibration, and air, light and noise pollution.
  • Protecting the ecology, the landscape, wildlife, vegetation and water courses.

Care about Safety*

*The CCS Code of Considerate Practice expects constructors to have practices and approaches in place which demonstrate that they care about occupational health and safety for visitors and the workforce on site. In relation to the public, we expect constructors to have practices and approaches in place which demonstrate that they care about the public’s safety around the site or in relation to the construction activity.

Constructors should attain the highest levels of occupational health and safety performance by:

  • Demonstrating positive practices and approaches which care for the safety of the public, visitors and the workforce during construction activity.
  • Minimising security risks to neighbours.
  • Having initiatives for continuous improvements for occupational health and safety.
  • Embedding the right attitudes and behaviours that enhance occupational health and safety performance.

Value their Workforce

Constructors should provide a supportive and caring working environment

  • Providing a workplace where everyone is respected, treated fairly, encouraged and supported.
  • Identifying personal development needs and promoting training.
  • Caring for the health and wellbeing of the workforce.
  • Providing and maintaining high standards of welfare.